Dr. Harold Grier Doctoral Scholar’s Program (SREB)
Mississippi State University's Dr. Harold Grier Doctoral Scholars Program is a part of the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Doctoral Scholars Program. The SREB program's goal is to increase the number of minority Ph.D. students that seek a career as faculty on college and university campuses. In addition to financial benefits, Mississippi State's SREB Doctoral Scholars receive career counseling, networking, research funds, and more. The SREB Dissertation Scholars Programs provides such opportunities to students who had not previously participated in the SREB Doctoral Scholars Program during the final year of their degree, while they complete their dissertation.
All Ph.D. granting majors at MSU are eligible to nominate scholars. Departments providing assistantships may nominate scholars to receive this award. If selected, the scholar will be eligible for three (3) years of support. The departmental nomination process will consist of a one-page profile of the student being nominated outlining their academic merits and any additional supporting material(s).
- An under-represented student accepted into a Ph.D. program
- Student is beginning the First Year in a Ph.D. program or completing the Ph.D. program within 1 year of Award
- Student must receive departmental funding equivalent to at least a half-time appointment each year (> 10K/yr. for up to three years) and maintain satisfactory academic process
- A US citizen or resident alien status
- Full-time enrollment (at least 9 graduate hours/semester)
- Must be nominated by department for SREB fellowship
- Scholar is interested/committed to pursuing an academic career path upon graduation towards the professorate
- No external employment to the University
Additional Information
Applications for admittance into the 2024-2025 cohort opened on April 12 at 8am. Prospective members will need to upload the following by July 21, 2024:
- Letter of Recommendation from Dean
- Letter of Recommendation from major professor
- Statement of Interest
- How could the SREB program drive your future success?
- What strengths do you bring to your participation in the program?
- Why do you want to become a faculty member in higher education?
Current Doctoral Scholars

Nicole Colón-Bosques

Aaron Griffith

Alexis Jackson

Russell Lowell
Xavier Sivels

Bria Young

Julianne Lopez-Rosas
Annual Reports
Can my department nominate more than one student?
Will the Office of Inclusive Excellence provide each scholar with a graduate assistantship?
No. Each scholar’s department is responsible for providing the student with a departmental assistantship equivalent to at least a half-time appointment each year for up to three years.
Should my department include the $2,000 stipend in the offer letter to the Graduate Student?
No. The $2,000 stipend is awarded to each scholar in addition to his/her departmental assistantship payment.